
Showing posts from May, 2017


MAKE LOVE NOT WAR SPREAD THIS MESSAGE OF LOVE TO ALL. WE DO NOT WANT A WAR. सरहद पर पिस्तौल साधे, लड़ने को हम बेताब है आँखों में पट्टी डाले ,परिणामो से अनजान है छिड़ गयी जंग जो भला किसी का न होगा मरेंगे पाकिस्तानी तो रोना हमको भी होगा तरक्की की शहादत देने को क्या हम तैयार है भाइयो पे बन्दूक तान ने को क्यों हम बेकरार है हिमालय की पावन चोटियों पे रक्त बहाना हमको गवारा क्यों है  रिश्तो में पड़ी सिलवटे सुलझाने का जंग ही एक चारा क्यों है इंसान रहते उधर भी, ये भुला सकते नही पाकिस्तान से रिश्ते पुराने क्या मिटा सकते कभी वो देश भी तो है भारत के जैसा इधर गाँधी तो उधर जिन्नाह का है पैसा बर्बादी का गुरु नानक को क्या देंगे जवाब सरहद के उस ओर भी तो है अपना प्यारा पंजाब माना कुछ बिगड़े पठानों का है वो पिंड मगर भारत से होकर उधर भी तो बहती है सिंध साथ बैठ अंग्रेज़ो की तानाशाही हमने देखी है भाईचारे की सबसे पुरानी कहानी भी तो अपनी एक ही है मरते नहीं सिर्फ सैनिक मैदान ऐ जंग मे मिट जाती है इंसानियत इस पागलपन मे बारूद की आग से हुई कोठरियाँ कभी रौशन नहीं सैनिको के ...


Twitter has turned into a basket full of hot topics to pick from. Recently I bumped into some blind supporters of one of the world’s most powerful actors, Mr Shahrukh Khan. To be very frank, I am not much of a fan of any actor and the reason behind this lack of fondness is that I find them doing nothing exceptional or ‘GREAT’ despite their ability to do so. They are just people with pretty doing what they do best.  Before going further and deeper into how these actors and their charity is not laudable, let me define a ‘Great’ act. A great act is one which is done to potentially benefit other humans and humanity despite the fact that the actor (the person doing the act) is to gain almost nothing out of it. However, the charity done by these globally renowned actors is but an investment to further improve their brand value. Hence, if Mr. Shahrukh Khan donates, let’s say, 25 Crs of Indian rupees and if the act is publicized in almost all national newspapers and news channels w...


The India of my dream is one where hunger does not scream. Where water is pure, all ailments it can cure. Where politics is pious, against none it is bias. Where streets are protected, ravens all hunted. The India that I want is where poverty does not haunt. Where soil is fertile, no farmer commits suicide. Where perspective is wide, humanity a national pride! Where each head has a roof, human dignity’s basic proof! The India that I desire is one free from communal fire. Where air is not polluted, natural treasures not looted. Where each child is educated, to labour not abetted. Where cross border love is immense, not a penny spent on defense. The India I envision is one immune to communist poison.  Where each adult has a job, children not made to slog. Where all communities happily survive, people free of all vice. Where sex does not disqualify, happiness only magnify. The India that I crave is the India I will make. Each day I will ...