The last decade has been remarkable for a various reasons. Be it the rise of the ISIS on the global scale or the debacle of congress at the national sphere. The most remarkable of all developments, both nationally and internationally, has been a dramatic, continuous and rampant growth for the rights of women and for females. Despite the vast spread poverty and diversity, the call and demands of these rights has been equally strong in our country as well. However the actions either by the government or by the national and trans national organizations have rather been superficial. There might be certain degree of resistance to the statement and there are numerous examples to prove it wrong as well but the corporate world as I see of today has a uniquely hollow stand on women rights and despite all moves by the feminist leaders, the movement has certainly lost the steam. I would also like to stretch to the length of stating that in today’s world, feminism is being used against women. Below I have tried explained how.

Yesterday while scrolling through the television I happened to come across a commercial of a vehicle designed for women. The makers very smartly portrayed the vehicle as a symbol of an independent woman. A similar strategy was applied by the soap makers and also by those endorsing beauty products. The irony of all this is that the same products have been a success in the real world. Thus the entrepreneurs have realized that the best way to sell any woman product is by linking it with their weakling. Women today are ready to go lengths simply to prove that they have managed to break all societal chains and are living a purely independent life and this very tendency to prove themselves is but another weakness in them.

Feminism is an ideology which advocates equal rights for women and a global thrust to this ism clearly implies that the women today are not equal to men, nor are they as independent as men which further implies that feminism can only succeed if the women all across the globe are independent, and independence not only fiscal in nature but also psychological, sociological and physiological. Wearing ‘women empowering’ deodorants or riding a ‘women empowering’ vehicle are no signs of independence. Independence is when a woman rides a motorbike with dignity and feminism shall be successful when people care least.

The modern corporate world has found numerous ways and means to increase their businesses through us. Tagging or designing a feminist scooter is but their means to meet their goals. Such creations are indeed a revelation of the fact that we live in a harsh and economically driven world which has no room for isms like feminism. Corporate do not care whether women liberate or their state further degrades all that matters to them are the monetary gains possible out of that particular state, thus we need to be cautious and should not be moved by such pro feminist ads and products.


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